Sunday night a new Miss USA took the stage. This year, North Carolina won the diamond and emerald encrusted crown. Unfortunately, though, you’re not hearing much about her on the news. You probably are, however, hearing all the hooplah about Miss California’s controversial answer. If you didn’t catch it live, here is the YouTube clip to get you up to speed.

Now, personal views aside, this answer shouldn’t be a big deal. Whether or not you think it was diplomatic, right, or wrong, it shouldn’t be headline news, right? Well, it is. All this talk about Miss California’s answer and the lack of attention shown to the newly crowned Miss USA is bad press coverage for the Miss USA Pageant, not to mention Miss California’s personal image.

A lot of times the coverage a person or company recieves is unwanted and sometimes undue, but we have to be ready to deal with it in all circumstances; just like the pagaent and the contestant do here.